Businesses that have successfully implemented online card payments

Welcome to our blog This week we will discuss about Case Studies: Businesses that have successfully implemented online card payments Case Studies: Businesses that have successfully implemented online card payments The use of credit and debit cards has increased dramatically in recent years, as more and more consumers move away from cash and checks. […]
Countries with one or more credit cards per person

Welcome to our blog This week we will discuss about Countries with one or more credit cards per person Countries with one or more credit cards per person Credit cards are an essential part of modern life. They provide a convenient way to make purchases, and they also offer a degree of protection against […]
How to Prevent Fraud and Manage Risk in Online Payments

Welcome to our blog This week we will discuss about How to Prevent Fraud and Manage Risk in Online Payments How to Prevent Fraud and Manage Risk in Online Payments Online payments have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer a convenient and fast way to send and receive money. However, this increase […]
What is Ethoca and Verifi Alerts?

Welcome to our blog This week we will discuss about Ethoca and Verifi services, and how they can help your online business What is Ethoca and Verifi? Ethoca and Verifi are communication platforms. The main objective of these platforms is to minimize and/or prevent chargebacks, fraudulent transactions and costs associated with them in card-not-present environments […]
Chargebacks Dispute step by step process

Welcome to our blog The Chargebacks Dispute step by step process Below we will describe the chargeback the general chargeback process and how WorldCard can review and process this claims accordingly. Step 1: The cardholder files a chargeback with their bank, demanding a refund. This happens when either the cardholder could not get their money […]
What is meant by online payment?

Welcome to our blog What is meant by online payment? These days, it’s incredibly easy to pay for things online using a variety of methods. But what does it mean to make an online payment? In this blog post, we’ll cover all the basics and more as we take a closer look at what goes […]
What the pandemic thought us about online payments

Welcome to our blog What the pandemic thought us about online payments? A new landscape emerged 2020 will always be synonymous with the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences. The coronavirus crisis changed the playground for a lot of businesses and the e-commerce sector was no exception. But in parallel to challenges this has created a […]
Everything You Should Know About Payment Security

Welcome to our blog Everything You Should Know About Payment Security Security can be a real problem when you are making an online purchase. With data breaches being common in the last few years, it is essential that you have a secure payment gateway, or else you will have to face the consequences. here is […]
Chargeback reason codes what do they mean

Welcome to our blog Chargeback reason codes and what do they mean? Visa Chargeback Reason Codes Code Category Description 10.1 Fraud (10) EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud 10.2 Fraud (10) EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud 10.3 Fraud (10) Other Fraud – Card Present Environment 10.4 Fraud (10) Other Fraud – Card Absent Environment 10.5 Fraud […]
The basics of payment processing

Welcome to our blog The basics of payment processing Implementing a payment solution for your business requires due diligence. The security, ease of use and overall cost of a payment provider can differ greatly from one vendor to another. This article can serve as a guide for spotting the differences between popular payment solutions and […]